We welcome large groups. Let us help plan your stay

Casa Blanca is flexible. We can adjust the rooms and add extra beds for your group.
Please let us know your needs and we can suggest a plan for staying at our guest house.

Serving a variety of needs

Casa Blanca has housed many unique groups.

University Seminar Trips

Enjoy spring or summer break here with your classmates.

Club Travel・Sports Tournaments

Our laundry room is great for school club trips and those participating in sports tournaments.

Wedding Guests

Rent out the entire guest house for your wedding guests and you can use the living room for your afterparty.

School Trips (Domestic・International)

We can assist with lodging for small school trips. Everyone can stay together in our large penthouse room.

Hiking・Cycling・Motorcycle Journeys

Casa Blanca is great for active travelers. A parking for bicycles is available on the premises and motorcycle parking with a roof is available next door.

Peace Studies and Pilgrimages

For families and schools studying about peace or learning about the Hidden Christian heritage of Nagasaki, our guest house is conveniently located 20 minutes away from the Peace Park and Oura Cathedral by tram.

For more information on room availability, an estimate for your group’s stay or any other questions, please use the form below.
Contact Us (Inquiry Form)